Vivre en Vaucluse Provence – ©OBRIEN T.

Live and work in Vaucluse

To reconcile your career and home life

Do you want to balance your professional development and private life?

Everything in Vaucluse will help you to achieve this goal: the climate, economic and cultural dynamism, accessibility (2h40 from Paris), proximity to the major urban (Lyon, Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Montpellier) and natural (Camargue, Mont-Ventoux, Sainte-Victoire) centres of attraction etc.
In many respects, Vaucluse has gone the difference.

Out with the clichés.
It is possible to have a successful career in this province and to be very happy here.
It’s up to you to enjoy it. Just like us!

Working in Vaucluse

+ support in the search for a job with a promising future for you and your partner

Do you have a professional mobility project?
Here is a scoop for you: Paris is not your destiny! It is possible to pursue a career in Vaucluse!

More and more businesses are choosing to set up here because of the economic development opportunities that the territory possesses, notably modern product trends (naturalness, authenticity, etc.). These businesses join the major international groups already established in Vaucluse and can integrate into very dense ecosystems, as well as being able to regularly publish job vacancies with diverse profiles in promising sectors (food processing, cosmetics, creative economy and ICT, aeronautics, etc.).

Find an opportunity:

APEC : Association for the employment of executives, disseminates job offers from partner companies as well as the CVs of members
France Travail
Force Cadres : the association for the employment of executives and young graduates of the Vaucluse employment area and its surroundings, that promotes mutual aid and the generous sharing of networks
APECITA : Association serving the agricultural, food-processing and environmental sectors, and dissemination of job offers
Job Vaucluse : The department’s recruitment agency that puts tax beneficiaries in touch with businesses in Vaucluse
PacaJob: an online platform for job offers, advice, CV databases and training

… and your partner too

Your partner will also be able to benefit from the support of the local network and its contacts as part of their job search:

The APEC and the CCI du Vaucluse have joined forces to offer an employment solution for your partner, by distributing their CV within a network of businesses, large groups and economic partners in the area in order to enable them to find a job more quickly.

Avignon - ©HOCQUEL_A


daily time thanks to easy mobility and central location

Just 2h40 from Paris, how about finding a job in an attractive and … serene environment?
Imagine for two seconds: no more traffic jams, lengthy and disjointed journeys, or tedious daily grind
In Vaucluse, your journey to work will be cut in half: this is a real time saver for YOU so that you can enjoy more time with family or friends.

Le saviez-vous

Did you know?

Avignon Provence Airport, Avignon TGV station, buses, and even a highway system: Here, mobility is facilitated.

+ de temps au quotidien grâce à une mobilité facilitée et une localisation centrale - ©COLOMBE PROD.
Mont Ventoux - ©KESSLER G.


Le saviez-vous

Did you know?

Vaucluse benefits from 2,900 hours of sunshine/ year, enough to save energy!

+ purchasing power

Even though the wage scale may seem lower in Provence, the salary/outlay ratio remains largely profitable.
For many, Paris is the el Dorado of «large» salaries, but we must take into account the expenses of equivalent goods that would put a strain on your wages.

In comparison, your purchasing power is much higher in Vaucluse.

Common consumer products (milk, eggs, tomatoes, apples, etc.) are on average 20% cheaper in Vaucluse (source: numbeo – cost of living).

Product and serviceIn Paris and the Parisian RegionIn VaucluseAdvantage
Average price of m2 for rent of an unfurnished F3€29.8/m2 with an average rent of €1986€10.3/m2 (€11.4/m2 in Avignon centre) or an average rent of €662Roughly 3 times cheaper
Average price of m2 to purchaseApartment:
House: €10841
Apartment: €1 860
House: €2 450
Roughly 5 times cheaper
Monthly price for a place in a nursery*€847 /month€519/month– 63%
Monthly expenditure (water, electricity, heating, etc.) for an area of 85 m2€165 /month€138 / month20%
Average annual consumption in kWh/m2**+ 305 kWh/m2174 to 203 kWh/m2Below the national EPE average (250 kWh/m2)
For 70 m2, the price per kWh varies from €18 to €32/m2/yearAnnual invoice: from €5,490 to €9,760Annual Invoice:
from €3,132 to €6,496
Reduced invoice from €2,300 to €3,200

* source : numbeo – cost of living
** source : se loger – sept 2019

Cost of living comparison between Paris and the Vaucluse

Isle_sur_la_Sorgue - ©OBRIEN T.

Find accommodation

Action Logement (a mobility solution)

Trouver un logement n’est plus en frein à votre projet de mobilité. Action logement vous apporte des solutions (gratuites) et aides fiFinding housing is no longer a barrier to your mobility project. Action Logement offers you (free) solutions and complete financial support thanks to a local expert, in order to rent, buy or renovate your future housing. (in french)

While you are looking for permanent accommodation, the local area has numerous options from furnished rentals to hotels and serviced apartments.

Are you looking for temporary accommodation?

WeekAway in french): The solution to living and working in 2 different cities or regions that can simplify your daily commute (Long-term lease of part-time accommodation for individuals or companies, while waiting to find permanent accommodation, for employees in the recruitment phase who are hesitating to change cities)

Appartement @Coquard
En Vaucluse, faites le plein de vitamine D ! - ©VERNEUIL T. - VPA

Increase your quality of life

Le saviez-vous

Did you know?

Vaucluse is set apart by its gastronomy, its heritage and its cultural events and outdoor activities, which can be practiced all year round

Vaucluse, a territory with 1000 virtues

An area that’s just the right size, with light and sunshine that is attractive to artists and epicureans. Vaucluse is also a land of culture and is a formidable playground for lovers of sport and outdoor activities.

Its landscapes with characteristic colours such as ochre, lavender or the various green shades of the vines and orchards are also rich in products grown by producers and artisans: fruits and vegetables from the sun, lavendiculture products, PDO wines from the Côtes du Rhône, truffles etc.

Welcoming new arrivals:

AVF: the association at the service of new arrivals

AVF, a player for your integration, welcomes you, and will present you with information when you arrive in Vaucluse, in one of the 3 communes (Avignon, Carpentras and Cavaillon) and their surroundings.
A practical guide for newcomers to Vaucluse